FT Speech Instructor

Anna Ignatjeva

Academic Affairs, Liberal and Fine Arts

Anna Ignatjeva is a full-time Instructor in the Speech Department at Saint Paul College and teaches a variety of courses, including Interpersonal Communication, Intercultural Communication as well as Fundamentals of Public Speaking. Anna, originally from Latvia, has taught speech communication courses at a number of colleges across Minnesota since 2001. With a personal understanding of the needs of speech students for whom English is not a first language, she strives to tailor instruction to support and encourage their success. Anna holds a B.A. in English from the University of Latvia in Riga, Latvia, and a M.S. in Speech Communication from Minnesota State University, Mankato. Her academic areas of interest are communication education, as well as research in the fields of intercultural communication and listening. Anna’s recent research projects have also focused on computer-mediated communication, and professional and technical communication. You may visit my professional development electronic portfolio at http://annaignatjeva1.efoliomn.com